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Razor Clams Season Announced Early.

By Emmalee David
Published: 10/17/14 Topics: Fishing, Ocean Shores WA, Westport WA Comments: 0

There are many activities to be experienced along the Washington coast. The landscape offers a different ecological landscape than what many of us see in Seattle and east. What excited me after a long warm summer spent hiking high in the mountains was receiving the tentative dates for Razor Clam digs!

Razor Clams are a meaty shellfish that can be found along the pacific coast from California up to Alaska. Harvesting Razor Clams and preparing them is an intrinsic characteristic of Washing coast culture. What makes this activity a great candidate for your fall explorations is that you only need 3 things; a clam shovel, a bucket to place them in, and your fishing license.

One thing to be noted is during the fall digging season low tides happen during the night meaning you must dig for your treasure under darkness. While the rising popularity and resurgence of Razor Clam populations has brought many newcomers to the sport, you might find the majority of people harvesting during spring when low tide appears during daylight. Feel like braving the night? Possibly braving the weather? It's likely you'll be rewarded with many opportunities and a less crowded beach! Check the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for updates.

Hope you see you out there.

Author: Emmalee David – , Istay Reservations
Blog #: 0375 – 10/17/14

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