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Westport Central Reservations Kick-Off

By Trina Flanagan
Published: 10/27/16 Topics: Advertising, Westport WA Comments: 0

It was an absolutely stunning day for an absolutely stunning kick-off. The new Westport Central Reservations service opened its doors with a party for local businesses and lodging providers on Thursday January 26, 2017.

As part of the Westport Grayland Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours (BAH) events, everyone was invited to the luxurious Sanderling Beach House for food, drink and camaraderie.

But what made it special on this normally cold winter night was the bright blue skies, still wind and world wide views of the mighty Pacific Ocean just feet outside the house. Many local's had never been in the Cohasset Beach Community even though its right inside the Westport city limits.

The Sanderling's furnishings are top-drawer including giant windows overlooking that might ocean, gourmet kitchen, large bedrooms each with walk in showers, sitting rooms and comfort.

Westport Central Reservations, let's call it WCR is an online and telephone service from Plumbob Publishing. Trina Flanagan introduced the presentation which compared Westport to other great destinations around the Northwest United States.

Most tourism hotspots have a central reservation service where guests can find every lodging establishment in town, The goal is to make it easy for guests to find the locations, book a place to stay and earn about how the great shops, restaurants, events and activities.

That is the mission of WCR and to make a point - drawings were held for a vacation in Leavenworth Washington and a revolutionary High Dynamic Range photography session from Signatour Photo Team for a lucky Westport merchant. Plus everyone in attendance received discount coupons to visit one of the other destinations that Plumbob and tis related businesses serve.

Businesses can support this assertive new marketing tool by subscribing for membership and advertising. Lodging operators can pay a commission for getting extra bookings.

For more information about listing on WestportCentralReservations.com visit the Website or telephone Trina Flanagan at 360-284-7010.

Author: Trina Flanagan – General Manager, Westport Central Reservations
Blog #: 0514 – 10/27/16

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