Beach Blog
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Privately-Owned Vacation Property Offers Outstanding Value to Renters
By Christopher S. Cain
Published: 03/08/05
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In November, 2004, my wife Terry and I visited Paris for seven days. We stayed in a postage stamp sized hotel room in the Latin Quarter about two blocks from Notre Dame Cathedral. We toured the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Versailles, Sainte-Chappelle, the Arc de Triomphe, the Musee d Read more
Concierge Services Can Save You Money
By Emily Glossbrenner
Published: 02/28/05
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These are exciting times for anyone who owns or is considering buying a vacation rental property. After decades of somnolence - which at least one dictionary defines as a condition of semi-consciousness approaching coma - the vacation rental field is crackling with activity. A lot of t Read more
Information Please
By Christopher S. Cain
Published: 02/07/05
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If you are an owner renting your vacation condo, renters will often look to you for advice, counsel, guidance, and information. For example: Are there many nearby golf courses? Can you recommend some good restaurants? Where can we get the best steak in town? Are there any good seafood restaurant Read more
10 Words or Less - The Art of Writing a Great Listing Title
By Amy Greener
Published: 01/31/05
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You can have a fantastic vacation rental property. You can offer a tremendous value in the off season. You can have a super web page, with outstanding photographs and copy. You can also be sitting next to the phone or computer, waiting for someone to inquire about your rental. That's not a good Read more
Use Your Vacation Property to Barter for Goods and Services
By Christopher S. Cain
Published: 01/17/05
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Bartering began more than 10,000 years ago and precedes monetary systems and currency. This concept of exchanging goods and services to the benefit of both parties thrives today. As a vacation property owner, you have a valuable commodity to trade - vacation property accommodations. Get more value Read more
At Last - Property Insurance Designed for Vacation Rental Homes
By William May
Published: 01/10/05
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Like it or not, offering a home for short-term rental means you are in business, offering a very expensive asset to guests and their families. While your rentals may be booming, your rental income may be disproportionately low compared to the value of the real estate you allow guests to use. So, y Read more
When & How to Hire (or Fire) a Lodging Manager.
By William May
Published: 12/06/04
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This newsletter spends a lot of time discussing issues helpful to self-managed owners. However, the majority of vacation rental owners seek the aid of professional management firms to manage their homes. So today lets spend time explaining how to pick a good manager and, if necessary, fire a bad one Read more
How to get sued, without really trying.
By William May
Published: 10/11/04
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It is easy to become wildly enthusiastic about the money-making aspects of buying and renting your own vacation rental home, what with the many factors contributing to the rapid growth of private vacation rentals: internet advertising, low interest rates, an emphasis on leisure and the post-911 Read more
If there are Vacation rentals in Afghanistan, They must be here for good.
By William May
Published: 09/05/04
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I kid you not. The LA Times is reporting that Estullah Rooz, after years of fighting Soviets, rival Mujahedee and the Taliban, the man known as the Commander Mullah is going corporate. And how you say? Well, he's building the first Swiss designed and pre-fabricated Vacation Rental homes on Lake Qarg Read more
Vacation Rentals In Afghanistan
By William May
Published: 09/05/04
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I kid you not. The LA Times is reporting that Estullah Rooz, after years of fighting Soviets, rival Mujahedee and the Taliban, the man known as the Commander Mullah is going corporate. And how you say? Well, he's building the first Swiss designed and pre-fabricated Vacation Rental homes on Lake Qarg Read more
Is Yours a Quality Home?
By William May
Published: 08/02/04
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Love looks not with the eyes but with the mind. To quote good old Bill Shakespeare, that long ago landlord from Stratford on Avon, in Merry old England. It's also a fine lesson for vacation home owners who want to get the best guests, highest rates, most occupancy and fewest headaches. Read more
Charging for the Extras
By William May
Published: 06/28/04
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There is a fine line between charging customers for the products and services you sell and nickel- and-diming them into submission. In recent e-mails, online groups and phone calls there have been a flurry of questions from owners about what they can and can not charge for. I've also noticed that a Read more
The Trouble with Suppliers
By William May
Published: 05/19/04
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Most owners focus 80% of their energy on creating more demand, upping rates and increasing occupancy. I can think of a hundreds Emails and phone calls where the only question is ;How to I increase sales? As all large companies know, lowering costs can be just as important to and much easier Read more
Be Selfish If You Donate Your Rental
By William May
Published: 04/19/04
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New owners of Vacation Rental homes quickly learn how many friends they really have. And I don't just mean cousin Jenny and her 12 screaming kids who would love to spend every week end at your lake house this summer chowing down on your hamburgers and chips. No, I am referring to all the truly great Read more
No wonder guests prefer Vacation rentals? Oahu Pick Pockets
By William May
Published: 04/06/04
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Usually we go to Kauai, but we want to see certain Hawaiian cultural places available only on the island of Oahu. They were great. Staying in a hotel that extracted every possible penny was not. Read more
Six Tips for Creating More Cash From Your Rental
By William May
Published: 03/08/04
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Sorry if that headline sounds like a get rich quick scheme. Owning a rental is too much work for that. Most weeks I cover a single topic that owners have been asking about. But today let me catch up on a number of small but equally important tips Vacation Home Owners will want to know. Its kind of a Read more
Using Guest Checklists
By William May
Published: 02/09/04
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Promises, promises, promises. I wanted to get back to the website strategy topic I promised a couple of weeks ago but another Owner question has come up and I wanted to pass on some suggestions on that. We'll get Part two of web strategies published in a future issue. (Hey, I'm a volunteer!) GUEST Read more
Website Strategy, Part One
By William May
Published: 01/19/04
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Whether you are self managed or use a property management firm you gotta have a website if you want to maximize income. In recent weeks I've been getting lots of questions about website strategy. For Example: David White from Rock Creek Cabins ( asked, Sometime in the Read more
dis n dat for 2004
By William May
Published: 01/12/04
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I just can't help myself from breaking into 'pigeon; after a month in Hawaii. But now we're back to the grind stone and hard at it. Actually we put the nose to that grind stone while in Hawaii but it always seems easier there. As we begin the new year I thought I'd give you a run down on some Read more
Lau Lau for Christmas Dinner
By William May
Published: 12/22/03
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It was six years ago on Christmas day. My then eight year old son and I were snorkeling about 40 yards off shore at Poipu Beach Kauai. Having taken weekly swimming lessons since he was just 9 months old Taylor felt safe swimming with me out and around a point in hopes of seeing one of the endangered Read more
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