Beach Blog

We want to keep you posted and publish occasional newsletters which include information, opinions and data. Read everything we know.

NW Skier, Vol. 7, No. 8 - Step-in bindings

Published: 11/27/64 Topics: Comments: 0

Step-in bindings appear for the first time in an advertisement for the Contact Skimatic binding from Germany, which "makes side hitches and cables obsolete." On page Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 6, No. 24 - Hans Gmoser on ski touring

Published: 03/27/64 Topics: Comments: 0

Hans Gmoser of Calgary, Alberta, says, "They [the ski magazines] speak of the revival of ski touring. There is no need to revive ski touring, it has never been dead!" Every spring Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 3, No. 17 - Whistler Mountain Olympic bid

Published: 02/21/64 Topics: Comments: 0

As evidence that skiing is booming in the Northwest, this article notes that Mt Bachelor, Anthony Lakes, Mt Ashland, Crystal Mountain, Mt Pilchuck, Schweitzer Basin, Brundage Mountain, Hyak, Tod Mountain and Big White were li Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 6, No. 19 - Ski boom: new and proposed ski areas

Published: 02/21/64 Topics: Comments: 0

As evidence that skiing is booming in the Northwest, this article notes that Mt Bachelor, Anthony Lakes, Mt Ashland, Crystal Mountain, Mt Pilchuck, Schweitzer Basin, Brundage Mountain, Hyak, Tod Mountain and Big White were little more than ideas just five years ago. It is unlikely that Read more

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