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NW Skier, Vol. 8, No. 12 - North Cascades Report

Published: 03/25/66 Topics: Comments: 0

Northwest Skier, 1960

Jan 8, 1960, p. 1: Gray, Jerry, "New Hyak Area Plans Saturday Opening" *

In 1949, the lodge at the Milwaukee Ski Bowl burned to the ground and operation of the area was abandoned by the Milwaukee Railroad. On January 9, 1960, the area will reopen as the Hyak Ski Area. The area has been completely redeveloped with a new A-frame lodge, two Pomalifts and several rope tows. Frederick D. "Skip" Voorhees, who was largely responsible for redeveloping the area, is the new area manager. Hyak will become the second Washington ski area, after White Pass, to operate seven days a week. The article includes a diagram of the new area facilities. The 1-11-63 issue (p.1) describes improvements at Hyak--an extended Pomalift and a new ski jump.

Nov 4, 1960, p. 1: "Park Service Opposes New Ski Area Plans" *

A group from Seattle and Port Angeles has proposed a million dollar ski area development in Hart Lake Basin in Olympic National Park. Spokesman Bob Millpointer stated: "If developed, the area would become an Alpine Sun Valley of the Pacific Northwest." Development would require five miles of new road beyond Sol Duc Hot Springs to the head of the Sol Duc River, where a parking lot would be established. From there, at the 3,200-foot level, a 10,000-foot long enclosed tramway would carry skiers and tourists into Hart Lake Basin at 4,200 feet, where at least three T-bars would branch out onto the 5,200-foot High Divide. A day lodge would be constructed near the terminal of the T-bars. The article includes comments in opposition to the plan by Director Conrad L. Wirth and other Park Service officials. Support for the plan is voiced by Svein Gilje, ski editor of the Bremerton Sun. There is a photo of the basin with Mt Olympus visible in the background and another of Walt Little, Dave Newton and Bob Millpointer on a spring tour to check out the site.

In a page 2 editorial, publisher Bill Tanler argues for the development of skiing on National Park lands.

Nov 18, 1960, p. 2: Charles D. Hessey, Jr. letter *

Charles Hessey argues against the proposed Hart Lake ski area in the Olympic Mountains on the grounds that it is against the spirit of the National Park Service Act. What's more, the access road would cost far more and the ski basin would offer far less potential than the promoters claim. Hessey urges a comprehensive study of ski development in the mountains of the Northwest rather than the current haphazard approach. He writes: "When a planned intrusion into a National Park is of such a demonstrably inferior quality, then we cannot help but be suspicious of its advocates. If it turns out that they are pure and above reproach, then we feel it our duty to save them from themselves, for they'll surely go broke with such a scheme."

A page 1 article reports that Nelson Bennett, a 10th Mountain Division veteran, is the new general manager of White Pass ski area.

Dec 16, 1960, p. 2: St. Louis, Lyle, "With the Ski Patrol"

The King County Medical Society honored Dr. Otto Trott for his many years of service in mountain rescue. In a newspaper story following the award, Dr. Trott was quoted as saying, "My mountain rescue work is not entirely unselfish. It is an ideal way to see the country."

Dec 30, 1960, p. 1: "Crystal Mountain Road Start Seen Next Spring" *

Construction of the six-mile road from U.S. 410 into the site of the Crystal Mountain ski area is expected to begin next spring. The road question has been reported in previous issues of Northwest Skier. The 11-6-59 issue (p.2) included an editorial in favor of state assistance. The 11-13-59 issue (p.1) reported that a survey had been authorized. The 12-4-59 issue (p.4) reported that Governor Rosellini supported building the road. The 10-28-60 issue (p.1) reported that state officials requested federal forest highway funds. The 11-18-60 issue (p.1) reported preliminary federal approval of the highway funds. Completion of the road plans freed from escrow $850,000 raised through 1958-59 stock sales for construction of the ski area. The current issue includes a photo of the ski area with proposed lifts and base facilities marked. The 12-22-61 issue (p.1, with photos) describes progress on building the road and preparing slopes and reports that developers are aiming for a December 1, 1962 opening date.



Northwest Skier, 1961

Feb 10, 1961, p. 1: "Garibaldi Group Submits Olympic Games Bid" *

A group of Vancouver skiers and businessmen submitted a bid to host the 1968 Winter Olympic Games at Whistler Mountain in the northern portion of Garibaldi Provincial Park. No ski area yet exists at the site and it is accessible by rail but not by a highway.

Oct 20, 1961, p. 1: "Six Ski Movies Making Rounds in Northwest"

Six ski lecturers, Sverre Engen, Roger Brown, Dick Barrymore, John Jay, Warren Miller and Hans Gmoser, are touring the Northwest with ski films this season. Brown, a new filmmaker, presents "Out to Ski," which features a ski descent of Mt Rainier by a party including Jim and Lou Whittaker and Gordon Butterfield. The 10-19-62 issue (p.4) reported that Brown quit movie making to work for the Head Ski Company.

Nov 10, 1961, p. 3: "Seven Lakes Basin Ski Area Given Slim Chance For Development" *

Assistant Secretary of the Interior John Carver surveyed the proposed Hart Lake ski area site in the fall and gave the proposal a slim chance. "The public doesn't seem to favor this kind of project in our National Parks--at least, not in an established park," he said. The $1 million project has been spearheaded by W. Clyve Abel, owner of the Sol Duc Hot Springs resort. The 10-25-63 issue (p.3) reports that Abel circulated petitions throughout the Olympic and Kitsap peninsulas urging the National Park Service to change its position. Senator Henry M. Jackson has expressed support for the proposal.



Northwest Skier, 1962

Nov 2, 1962, p. 2: Editorial: "No Inn at the Room" *

The idea of building chairlifts at Paradise was floated again by Governor Albert D. Rosellini in connection with a study of overnight facilities at Mt Rainier National Park. Rosellini and other state officials favor a new resort hotel at Paradise to replace the aging Paradise Inn. Interior Secretary Stewart Udall resists the idea and suggests that the hotel--assuming one is to be built--should be outside the park on U.S. 410 near Crystal Springs. The editorial supports locating the hotel were it can be an asset to winter sports.

Nov 9, 1962, p. 8: "Northwest Ski Notes"

"Veteran Olympic Mountain skiers noted the passing of the shelter and connecting buildings at the one-time popular Deer Park ski area. The buildings were sold for salvage and the area is no longer used."

Nov 16, 1962, p. 6: "Crystal Mountain Ready for First Winter Season" *

Seven years after the formation of Crystal Mountain, Inc., by a group of Puget Sound skiers and businessmen, the all-new ski area east of Mt Rainier National Park will open on December 1 with two double chairlifts, a T-bar, seven rope tows, a day lodge and parking for 1,200 cars. The key to development of the area was the six mile road built from U.S. 410. Crystal is described as "the first major Northwest ski area to be built away from an existing highway."

Mel Borgersen is general manager. Jim Sullivan, formerly area manager at Snoqualmie Summit and White Pass, is facilities manager. Jack Nagel is the ski school director. Crystal Mountain, Inc., officers include Joe Gandy (better known as president of the Seattle World's Fair), chairman, William M. Black, president, Don Amick, Leo Gallagher and John Graham, vice presidents, Francis A. LeSourd, secretary, and Mel Borgersen, treasurer. Initial development, not counting the access road, was about $1.3 million.

On page 1 is a fine photo of three carpenters, Paul Borell of Buckley, L. E. Thorsett of Enumclaw, and John Collins of Enumclaw, who were the first passengers to ride up the first of two Riblet double chairlifts installed at Crystal.

Dec 21, 1962, p. 3: Tanler, Bill, "The Warming Hut" *

Sir Arnold Lunn, inventor of Alpine ski racing, visited Timberline Lodge twenty-five years after his first visit in 1937. Lunn expressed displeasure at the way alpine racing has developed. He wants slalom courses "opened up" to become more of a challenge to skiers and not just the performance of "a bunch of ballet dancers on skis." He suggests that competitors not be permitted to see courses before running them. "The trouble with skiing today," Sir Arnold says, "is that no one under the age of 70 has any imagination or new ideas." The 74-year-old Englishman's arrival at the Portland airport was hampered by fog, "by local definition powder snow so fine and light that it just hangs there." On page 7 is a photo of Lunn with Timberline's Richard Kohnstamm at the terminal of the new Magic Mile lift. The 9-20-74 issue (p.10) reported the death of Sir Arnold Lunn at the age of 86 in London, England.



Northwest Skier, 1963

Jan 4, 1963, p. 2: Editorial: "But Do They Work?" *

During the past ten years release bindings have come into popular use in hope of reducing injuries caused by excessive torque transmitted from ski to skier. A recent study showed that in 1952, when fewer than 50 percent of skiers used release bindings, there were approximately the same number of accidents as in the 1960-61 season, when almost all skiers used them. The report suggests that today's skier skis faster and better than he did a decade ago and that modern short-turn techniques increase dangerous moguls.

Jan 4, 1963, p. 4: "Schuster Director At White Pass"

Marcel Schuster, a native of the Bavarian Alps, is the new director of the White Pass ski school. Schuster has lived in Yakima for ten years and is described as "a member of the party to first ski down from the summit of Mt Rainier about six years ago." He is a former member of the German FIS team and was head instructor at the U.S. Army rest center at Berchtesgaden from 1947-49. The article includes a fine photo of Schuster.

Feb 15, 1963, p. 1: "Stevens Pass Celebrates 25th Anniversary" *

This article has a good summary of how the Stevens Pass ski area got started in 1937, including the role of the Wenatchee and Everett chambers of commerce, early access by road and train, and development of lodges and rope tows. This information can be found in other sources I've reviewed, but perhaps not so concisely. The article describes later rope tow and chairlift developments through construction of the 7th Heaven chair in 1960. The Big Chief chairlift was not yet built at the time of this writing. The article includes photos of the ski area in 1937 and 1963.

Mar 1, 1963, p. 7: "Ski Area Use Tops One Million Visits"

There are twenty-nine National Forest ski areas in the Pacific Northwest region. These areas recorded more than one million visits in 1962, 95 percent of them by skiers. This is an increase of 157 percent since 1950.

Mar 8, 1963, p. 3: Tanler, Bill, "The Warming Hut" *

A story from Snoqualmie Summit was published in a regular Pacific Northwest Ski Areas Association news release then picked up by many Northwest papers. During the winter of 1963 it made it into Reader's Digest:

This was the story of the two lift attendants who set out to discourage skiers from sneaking onto the lifts without tickets. One went and dug up an old pair of discarded skis and fastened them to his feet, then returned to elbow his way to the front of the lift line.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked the attendant. "Do you have a lift ticket?"

"I don't need a ticket to ride this tow," the other snapped, and started to go on up.

The attendant on duty got out a double-edged axe, took one swipe and chopped off the lift crasher's skis a few inches in front of his toes, then looked up at the amazed skiers in line who had witnessed the whole affair. "Anyone else out there doesn't have a lift ticket?"

Mar 29, 1963, p. 4: "Poor Snow Year Fails to Discourage Developers of Crystal Mountain Ski Area" *

Snow depths during the winter of 1962-63 were the lowest in forty years. Despite the poor winter, Crystal's gross revenues were 70 percent of the original estimates and plans are being discussed for a third chairlift in Green Valley. On page 1 is an aerial photo of the ski area with Mt Rainier in the background.

The 2-22-63 issue (p.1) reported that the Leavenworth Winter Sports Club canceled its annual jumping tournament for the first time in thirty-two years. The event was to have been a qualifying meet for the 1964 U.S. Olympic team.

Oct 18, 1963, p. 1: "New Chairlift Transforms Pilchuck, Savage School Director" *

A new chairlift at Mt Pilchuck this season will transform one of the Northwest's older ski areas "from a rope tow area to a full-sized mountain." A new 4,000-foot long double chairlift is being completed from the 3,100 foot level to 4,300 feet on Mt Pilchuck. Dick Werner is executive vice president of Pilchuck Park Lifts, Inc., and Wendy Carlson is area manager. George Savage is ski school director. The 12-1-61 issue (p.4) reported on a drive to raise capital for this chairlift and includes some background on the ski area. The 10-16-64 issue (p.5) has a display advertisement for the expanded area. The 3-17-67 issue (p.4) has a Mt Pilchuck profile and the 3-38-69 issue (p.31) says "Mt Pilchuck excels in courtesy." The chairlift below the lodge was apparently built between 1967 and 1969. The 10-24-69 issue describes "interim facilities" (portable buildings) added at Pilchuck.

Oct 18, 1963, p. 2: Editorial: "The Single Purpose Concept" *

During the past week in Seattle, Wenatchee and Mt Vernon, a special study team held public hearings to determine, in effect, whether federal lands in the North Cascades should remain under jurisdiction of the U.S. Forest Service or be turned over to the National Park Service as a national park. The editor writes: "The national park concept is to preserve the natural lands as what is properly called an outdoor museum. The park concept excludes all other use." The editor argues against the transfer of more lands in the state of Washington to the National Park Service and includes a resolution to that effect by the United States Ski Association (USSA).

Oct 18, 1963, p. 4: "This is the Year of the Buckle" *

All major boot manufacturers have added at least one new buckle boot to their product lines this season. Buckle boots have been available for a few seasons and have proven popular for their quick fastening and snug fits. The article includes fitting advice from John Woodward of A&T and a summary of available models.

A page 4 article reports that Franz Gabl, 1948 Olympic downhill silver medalist for Austria, will become director of the Mt Baker ski school this season.

Oct 25, 1963, p. 5: "Wenatchee Groups to Push Development of New Area" *

Stockholders of Wenatchee Mountain, Inc., gave formal approval to plans for development of a ski area in upper Squilchuck Basin on Mission Ridge. Don Kirby is company president. A four-mile access road must be built to reach the proposed area. The development has been conceived as a community project and further stock sales are planned.

Nov 1, 1963, p. 2: R.D. Watson letter: "A Vote for the Park" *

R. Duke Watson challenges the USSA's position on a national park in the North Cascades. He cites as evidence of his support for organized skiing his involvement in developing Crystal Mountain. "But along with lift skiing, a number of us have also found time for touring in the high Cascades. As a result of more than sixty trips throughout this area during recent years, we have become acquainted with many ski fields both within and outside of the proposed park. From this experience I can state with conviction that there are alluring prospects for lift development almost too numerous to count outside the boundaries, including every type of terrain that is found within. The well-meaning officials of the USSA and PNSA should put on climbing skins and take a look for themselves!"

Nov 15, 1963, p. 2: Editorial: "Close, But Not Company" *

The editor laments that skiers and mountaineers find themselves in opposition on wilderness and National Parks. He blames this on the conservation clubs for opposing permanent ski lifts of any kind on national park land. On page 2 is another letter in favor of a national park by Richard E. Taylor.

Nov 15, 1963, p. 5: "Ski Bid Rejected for Mt Jefferson"

The U.S. Forest Service rejected an application for a winter sports development inside the Mt Jefferson Primitive Area on the eastern slopes of Three Fingered Jack.

Dec 13, 1963, p. 4: "Bob Cram Begins New Ski TV Show"

Seattle KING-TV's cartooning weather man, Bob Cram, will host a new half-hour weekly ski program, "Ski Nanny," on Friday evenings, offering road and snow conditions, ski tips, feature stories and Warren Miller ski films in color.

Dec 20, 1963, p. 1: "Major Additions Near Completion at Crystal Mountain" *

A third chairlift (in Green Valley), a ski jump, the new Silver Skis Chalet, and other improvements have been added at Crystal Mountain. According to this article, almost 1,000 Washington families bought stock in the development of the ski area. A 2-3/4 mile downhill race course has been cut. The course will be used this spring for a revival of the Seattle P-I sponsored Silver Skis race. The Silver Skis was first held on Mt Rainier in 1934 and ran ten times through 1948. The race was abandoned as newer ski resorts became more popular than Mt Rainier. The 3-6-64 issue (p.6) reports that the Silver Skis race was held on March 1 and won by Jay Jalbert of the University of Washington. Hal Amick and Eric Giese, sons of former Silver Skis racers, finished in the top five. The 2-28-69 issue (p.23) reveals that the Silver Skis has become a two-run giant slalom race. It is called the "Crystal Mountain Silver Skis," suggesting that by 1969 the Seattle P-I no longer sponsored the race.



Northwest Skier, 1964

Feb 21, 1964, p. 1: "Where Will You Ski in 1966" *

As evidence that skiing is booming in the Northwest, this article notes that Mt Bachelor, Anthony Lakes, Mt Ashland, Crystal Mountain, Mt Pilchuck, Schweitzer Basin, Brundage Mountain, Hyak, Tod Mountain and Big White were little more than ideas just five years ago. It is unlikely that so many new ski areas will open in the next five years, mainly due to lack of adequate access, but established areas are likely to expand. Three completely new areas are possible: Whistler Mountain, Mission Ridge and Mt Hood Meadows. Developments at Hart Lake Basin in the Olympics and the Three Fingered Jack area near Mt Jefferson are unlikely, due to their location in a park or wilderness area.

Mar 27, 1964, p. 4: "Spring Tours Up in Popularity" *

Hans Gmoser of Calgary, Alberta, says, "They [the ski magazines] speak of the revival of ski touring. There is no need to revive ski touring, it has never been dead!" Every spring after completing his national movie lecture tour, Gmoser leads groups of skiers into the Canadian Rockies, Selkirks and Bugaboo Mountains. Gmoser notes that ski touring "long ago abandoned the hill country and moved into the most spectacular surroundings skiing can find, namely, right up onto the vast glaciers and rugged peaks."

Nov 27, 1964, p. 2: Advertisement

Step-in bindings appear for the first time in an advertisement for the Contact Skimatic binding from Germany, which "makes side hitches and cables obsolete." On page 12 is an ad for the Miller binding, with independent toe and heel units and operation in "all ten release angles."



Northwest Skier, 1965

Jan 29, 1965, p. 10: "Competitor's Scoreboard"

At the January 17 meet at Crystal Mountain, Jim and Dick Skoog of the Kongsberger Ski Club placed 2nd and 3rd, respectively, in the Veterans jumping class. The 2-16-68 issue (p.13) reported that they finished 3rd and 4th, respectively, in the Veterans class at the PNSA Championships at Leavenworth. In the 2-8-74 issue (p.1), in a photo spread from a Rainier Snowbust at Crystal Mountain, Lowell Skoog is shown in the upper-right corner throwing a helicopter. [Please forgive my moment of nostalgia.]

Oct 15, 1965, p. 8: "Garibaldi Ready" *

Whistler Mountain is expected to open before Christmas with a sedan lift from the highway at the 2,100 foot level to the 4,100 foot level. From there a chairlift will carry skiers to the 6,400 foot level of Whistler Mountain. T-bars will service slopes near the bottom and top of the sedan lift. Accommodations are under construction on both sides of the highway overlooking Alta Lake.

Northwest Skier begins the 1965-66 season with a new editor-publisher, Lee Klein. Ian Brown is Northwest Editor.



Northwest Skier, 1966

Mar 25, 1966, p. 8: Russell, W.T., "Cascades Report - Ski Needs to Triple by 1985" *

The North Cascades Study Team report fails to consider the growing need of skiers for developed facilities, argues the author. At Senator Jackson's recent public hearings, F.D. (Skip) Voorhees of Renton's Milmanco Corp., PNSA president Max Meyring, and consulting geologist Bob Grant testified to this effect. They have studied at least fifteen potential sites for major resort developments within or adjacent to proposed park and wilderness areas. One of these sites (pictured on page 1) is Mt Hinman in the proposed Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Another (pictured on page 8) is the Liberty Bell basin near Washington Pass on the still incomplete North Cascades Cross-State Highway.

The 2-11-66 issue (p.2) carried an editorial call-to-arms alerting readers that potential ski areas may be lost if skiers don't make their views known. The 3-11-66 issue (p.2) noted that of almost 200 people at Senator Jackson's hearings in Seattle, only four voiced support for ski area development. Regarding the loss of potential areas, the editor writes, "We say it can't happen here. Well, it is happening. We are letting it happen."

Oct 28, 1966, p. 16: "Triumph Near Wenatchee" *

Mission Ridge ski area is scheduled to open December 1 with two double chairlifts and a new $250,000 lodge. Walt Hampton is the ski area manager. Gordon West is ski school director. The 10-23-64 issue (p.5) reported on a $1 million stock drive to raise capital for developing Mission Ridge. The 12-22-67 issue (p.17) includes a profile of Walt Hampton at the time he was named manager of the U.S. Olympic nordic ski team.

Northwest Skier begins the 1966-67 season with a new editor-publisher, Ian F. Brown.

Oct 28, 1966, p. 20: Day, John S., "Ski Touring: A Forgotten Pleasure?" *

John Day is the USSA National Ski Touring Director. In this article he promotes the benefits of nordic ski touring. A similar article by Day in the 3-17-67 issue (p.10, with photos) notes the sport's low cost, appeal to families, conditioning benefits, safety, scenic beauty and lack of crowds.



Northwest Skier, 1967

Oct 27, 1967, p. 5: "Eins, Zwei, Drei ... Chairlifts at Alpental" *

Alpental ski area is scheduled to open December 2 with three double chairlifts, five rope tows and a three-story day lodge. Bob Mickelson and Jim Griffin of Tacoma are the developers. Rene Moser will be ski school director and Hans Weismuller will head a climbing school in the area during the summer. The 11-25-66 issue (p.12) reported that Ted Griffin (who once owned a whale called Namu) and Jim Sullivan were involved in the early development of Alpental. Eventual plans call for an aerial tramway to the saddle between Guye and Snoqualmie Mountains with a double chairlift continuing to the summit of Snoqualmie. The 12-8-67 issue (p.3) reported that the area opened with all facilities on schedule. (Note: The original article said that the climbing school director was named Hans Swissmuller. In 9/8/2010 email, Gordy Holt sent a correction.)

Dec 22, 1967, p. 19: "Here's the Scoop on Loup Loup" *

Loup Loup has installed a new day lodge and a Pomalift, 3867 feet long, with a vertical rise of 1,248 feet.



Northwest Skier, 1968

Jan 12, 1968, p. 11: "Yodelin Lots for View This Weekend"

Lot sales begin this weekend for Yodelin, a new residential ski area east of Stevens Pass. Yodelin is being developed by Wendell Carlson and Art Granstrom of Everett. They purchased the ski resort site last June and plan a $5 million project with four chairlifts, a lodge and restaurants, residential lots and condominium units. The 3-1-68 issue (p.16) included a full page ad offering "tree studded view and creek lots" for sale.

Jan 12, 1968, p. 13: "Mt. Hood Meadows Makes Debut" *

Mt Hood Meadows, on the southeast side of Mt Hood, opened this month with two chairlifts, a T-bar and a rope tow. Keith Petrie is the area manager and Dick Ewald is ski school director. The article includes an artist's drawing of the ski area. The 2-2-68 issue (p.3) reported on the ski area dedication.

Mar 22, 1968, p. 35: "Grays Harbor Group Asks for Ski Area" *

Dennis Sackrider, Andy Aarhaus and Jerry Sopko of Montesano have investigated the Three Peaks area north of Wynoochee Lake in the Olympic Mountains for a possible ski area development. "A natural bowl rises to the Peaks, providing what the Montesano men believe could result in several good runs." They reported their findings to the U.S. Forest Service, which will prepare a report on the proposal.

Nov 6, 1968, p. 6: "Snowmobiles: New Winter Sport" *

"The newest and fastest-growing sport in the country is known as snowmobiling." Four years ago there were about 25,000 snowmobiles and just six manufacturers in the United States. Today, there are over 300,000 snowmobiles and over fifty manufacturers. The following advantages are noted:

"It requires none of the rigid training demanded by most outdoor sports. Nor does one need to be in prime health, since strength and physical fitness are not necessary in order to enjoy the sport. [...] Big game hunting is no longer hard work via snowmobile."

A companion article reports that the Snoqualmie National Forest has designated sno

Blog #: 0275 – 03/25/66

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