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NW Skier, Vol. 16, No. 8 - More on the energy crisis

Published: 12/28/73 Topics: Comments: 0

Responding to the gasoline crisis, bills before Congress would classify the ski industry as non-essential with regard to fuel allocation Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 16, No. 7 - The energy crisis. Reference: Alpine Lakes wilderness

Published: 12/14/73 Topics: Comments: 0

After bemoaning the fact that there are too many Americans and that our cars guzzle too much gas, and after mentioning "the President's decision that there will be no gasoline sales between 9 p.m. Saturday and 12:01 a.m. Monday," the article offers some practical suggestions for coping with the gas shortage Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 15, No. 15 - Karl Hinderman retires

Published: 04/01/73 Topics: Comments: 0

Karl Hinderman announced his retirement as ski school director at the Big Mountain. He was among the first certified ski instructors in the country "as well as being the U.S. Army's first instructor," pioneering instruction for the 41st Division at Fort Lewis before the 10th Mountain Division was formed. [The article says this was Read more

NW Skier, Vol. 15, No. 13 - Citizen cross-country racing

Published: 03/09/73 Topics: Comments: 0

Further evidence of the growth of cross-country skiing is this announcement of a 21-mile race from Mission Ridge to the Blewett Pass Highway "(mostly for fun)" open to all ages and abilities on March 4, 1973. "Mass shotgun style Western start." The 3-8-74 issue (p.4) reported on the first annual Gold Creek Rush citizens race Read more